Oral Conditions You May Develop Despite Great Dental Care

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Most people grown up with an inherent sense of the importance of dental care. Taking care of your teeth and cleaning them regularly will ensure that you only have to pay a minimum amount of visits to your dentist. However, some conditions will develop despite the measures you take to keep your teeth in great health. Here are a few rare oral conditions that cannot be alleviated by a simple dental care routine.


In general, kids are expected to lose all their baby teeth and over time, these are replaced with a full set of adult teeth. However, in some cases you will find an individual will end up growing more teeth than necessary. This rare condition is deemed hereditary. It exhibits itself with one or more teeth growing at the back of the incisors. The good news is that it can be easily treated with a trip to your local dentist for an extraction.


PLS stands for Papillon Lefevre Syndrome. It is characterized by the patient losing their teeth over time. It occurs when the individual lacks the enzyme required to maintain healthy connective tissue. When their connective tissue is unhealthy, it cannot sufficiently support the teeth, hence they loosen from the gum and fall out. PLS can affect both children as well as adults. However, typically onset of PLS on adult teeth will occur in the teenage years. Although the progress of the syndrome can be stalled with antibiotics, there is no known cure. Patients who suffer from this more often than not opt to have all their remaining teeth removed and have alternative dental remedies pursued such as the fitting of dentures or opting for dental implants.

Otodental syndrome

This is a genetic disorder than not only impacts one's teeth, but also causes hearing loss in the individuals that are affected. With this syndrome, one's canine teeth and molars will begin to enlarge over a period of time. If left undeterred, it can become drastic enough to affect the facial structure of the patient. In addition to this, the enlarged teeth cause crowding and this leads to the damage of previously healthy teeth. The good news is, although complicated, this syndrome can be treated by a dentist. This will involve the extractions of the enlarged teeth and repair of any subsequently damaged teeth.

It should be noted that although rare, these conditions can affect anybody thus it would be best to be on the lookout despite regular dental care as the sooner the problem is established, the easier it would be to tackle. For more information, visit http://www.neufamilydental.com
