Tips For Addressing Swollen Gums

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Irritated and swollen gums can be an immensely uncomfortable problem to experience. While this issue can seem minor, it can quickly worsen if it is not properly treated. To this end, you should make sure that you are aware of what you should do if your gums start to show signs of being irritated or infected.

Keep The Gums Clean

Thoroughly cleaning the gums is one of the first things that you should do when you notice that they have started to become inflamed. Often, bacteria can get just below the gum line or into small cuts. Once this happens, it can cause a minor infection to start to develop. By thoroughly cleaning the gums, you can remove much of this bacteria so that the gum tissue will e better able to heal from this problem. When cleaning your gums, you should be very careful when brushing as using too much pressure could force bacteria deeper into this tissue. Furthermore, you should use an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing your teeth as this will neutralize any bacteria that remain.

Use A Saltwater Rinse Throughout The Day

Saltwater can be an excellent tool for helping you to care for your gums. The salt will naturally help to neutralize any bacteria that may be present. However, it can also help to expedite the healing process by encouraging the development of the gum tissue. For the best results, you should use salt water mouth rinses every few hours throughout the day. If a cut is present, you may experience some pain when using these rinses, but it will be important to fight through this discomfort so that you can swish the solution around your mouth for at least a minute.

Seek Professional Treatment If The Symptoms Fail To Improve

If you take the steps to thoroughly clean and sanitize the gums, your gums should be able to start recovering fairly quickly. However, some patients may find that their symptoms fail to improve within a week or two of starting to exhibit their symptoms. When this is the case, it is important for the patient to seek professional treatment. Swollen and irritated gums that fail to heal can indicate the development of a serious infection or gum disorder. Failing to have these problems professionally treated can contribute to the teeth needing to be removed or extensive gum grafts needing to be performed. By seeking prompt treatment, it may be possible to avoid these worst-case outcomes as the dentist may be able to prescribe mouthwash or antibiotics that can help to combat the underlying issue that is causing the gum problems.

For more information, contact your local family dentistry office today.
